Happy New Year

Happy 2020! I wish you health, peace, joy and prosperity this year.

I’ll be on the road performing with Antibalas across the US and Canada (Europe and other dates coming soon) performing songs from our new album “Fu Chronicles.”

Also: I just finished my third feature length screenplay, titled “Townie.” More on that later.

A few highlights from 2019:

Moving to California!

Finishing Antibalas record #7

Finishing two new screenplays: “B’bobby” and “Townie”

Working with the SF Jazz Academy / Oakland Public Conservatory Jazz Band

Respect to Aretha: shows in London and Paris

Learning to make arancini

Writing and performing music at the Music Box Village in New Orleans

Performing in Hong Kong and having a few free days there

Martin Perna

multimedia artist / composer / performer since 1996. based in Oakland, California


New Antibalas Single : Amenawon


New music from Antibalas: ‘Fu Chronicles’